
The FESEM is most commonly used for characterization technique for surface topographic studies of materials. With the FESEM it is possible to obtain a secondary electron image of organic and inorganic materials which allow topographic and morphological studies, by scanning an electron probe across the surface and monitoring emitted secondary electrons. Compositional analysis of a material may also be obtained by monitoring X-rays produced by the electron-specimen interaction. This detailed map of elemental distribution can be produced.



Contact Person

I). Dr J D Ambekar (Instrument Incharge) Office No: 020-25989273 ext 217

Email id :

Characterization Incharge,  Office no 020-25989273 ext 231


Pune Laboratory
Working Principles

In this technique, an electron beam is focused onto the sample surface kept in a vacuum by electro-magnetic lenses (since electron possesses dual nature with properties of both particle and wave an electron beam can be focused or condensed like an ordinary light).The beam is then rastered or scanned over the surface of the sample. The scattered electron from the sample is then fed to the detector and then to a cathode ray tube through an amplifier, where the images are formed, which gives the information on the surface of the sample.
