Project Type
Sponsored Project
Project Name
Hybrid Solar Cells based on Organic Polymers and Inorganic Nano particles
<span><span>To synthesize highly pure, crystalline CdS and CdInS 2 nanoparticles with

different morphologies and photoconductivity together with desired band gap.
Especially, the main focus would be to tune the nanoparticles band-gap so as to

exploit the solar energy spectrum.</span></span></span></span></pre>
<span><span>To disperse effectively the above photoactive inorganic semiconducting

nanoparticles in suitable organic polymers viz. P3HT, MDMO: PPV, P3OT etc.

with different aspect ratio to achieve efficient connectivity/percolation.</span></span></pre>
<span><span>To develop hybrid solar cells of size 3 mm x 3 mm using using the above

materials so as to achieve efficiency ranging from 3 to 5%.</span></span></pre>
Sponsored by
Project Cost
100 Lakhs
Project Location
Pune Laboratory
Project Status