Equipment Details


2. Equipment Details:Make: Agilent Technologies, Model: 700 series ICP-OES


1. Determination of metals in wine, arsenic in food, and trace elements bound to proteins.

2. Widely used in minerals processing to provide the data on grades of various streams, for the construction of mass balances.

3. Used for analysis of trace elements in soil

4. used in forensics to found at crime scenes or on victims etc

5. Used to determine the metal composition 

6. used for motor oil analysis

7. Used for determination of nutrient levels in agricultural soils

7. Strengths

·       Low detection limits

·       Multiple elements

·       Limited spectral inferences

·       Good stability

·       Low matrix effects

8. Limitations

·       Liquid samples only

·       Maintenance cost is high (Argon gas)

Contact Person
  1. Mr. R. Govindaiah(Instrument Operator ) Office No: 040-27267007

Email Id:

  1. Dr. U.Rambabu(Characterization Incharge) Office No: 040-27267007

          Email id :

Hyderabad Laboratory
Working Principles

ICP, abbreviation for Inductively Coupled Plasma, is one method of optical emission spectrometry. When plasma energy is given to an analysis sample from outside, the component elements (atoms) is excited. When the excited atoms return to low energy position, emission rays (spectrum rays) are released and the emission rays that correspond to the photon wavelength are measured. The element type is determined based on the position of the photon rays, and the content of each element is determined based on the rays' intensity.