CMET/TH/ADM/06/2023 : Project Assistant : Walk-interview on 06.06.202 (8.00am onwards)Presently One; but likely to increase |
PN/ADM/RST/002/2023: Junior Research Fellow/Project Associate-I (1 No): Walk-in-interview on 25/05/2023 at 09 a.m |
HYD/01/2023[SA-II]: Scientific Assistant-II (SA-II) |
HYD/01/2023[MTA]: Multi Task Assistant (MTA) |
1/2023 : Research Scientist (2 Nos.) |
12/2023 : Junior Research Fellow ( 3 Nos.) Walk-in-Interviews on 01.05.2023 (MONDAY) |
PN/ADM/RST/021/2020 : Junior Research Fellow/Project Associate-I/Project Staff-I (One post will be at COE office at EMCD, Meity, New) - Walk-in-Interview on 10.04.20023 |
CMET/TH/ADM/05/2023: Project Assistant-I(A) on 24.03.2023, 8.00 AM onwards |
Advt. No. : PN/ADM/RST/016/2019 : Recruitment of temporary position of 1. Business Consultant/CEO (01 No), 2. Research Scientist (01 Nos.), 3. Research Associate (02 No.), 4. Project staff -I (01 No.) and 5. Project Staff - II (01 No.)…..reg |
Advt. No:PN/ADM/RST/029/2022: Recruitment of temporary position of 1. Project scientist-II (01 no.) and 2. Administrative Assistant (01 no)…reg |
CMET/TH/ADM/04/2023 : Technical Consultant / Research Scientist |
CMET/TH/ADM/03/2023 : SCIENCE STREAM – 2 Trainees , ENGINEERING STREAM – 2 Trainees, TECHNICAL STREAM – 1 Trainee. |
CMET/TH/ADM/02/2023 : Walk-in-Interview: Project Associate-I (on 10.02.2023) and Principal Project Associate (on 11.02.2023) at 8.00 am |
CoE Advt. No. : 10/2022 : Engagement of PROJECT PERSONNEL |
CoE Advt. No. : 11/2022 : Recruitment of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Centre of Excellence (CoE) on E-waste Management |
CMET/TH/ADM/08/2022: Project Assistant (1 No.) |
HD/02/Rectt/2/SP-42/2022 : Engagement of Project Staff - 1 No. Walk-in-Interviews on 27.10.2022 (Thursday) 9.00 am onwards |
CoE Advt. No. 09/2022 : Engagement of Technical Assistant - 1 No. Walk-in-Interviews on 27.10.2022 (Thursday) 9.00 am onwards |
CMET/TH/ADM/07/2022: Project Associate-I (1 No) - WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on 15.10.2022 |
PN/ADM/RST/020/2020 : Administrative Assistant (1No), Project Associate-I (1No),Project Assistant (1No) - WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on 6th Oct 2022 (9:00AM onwards) |