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2013Novel template free large scale synthesis of nanostructured CdxZn1-xS with tuneable band structure for H2 production and organic dye degradation using solar light,. Garaje, Sunil; Apte, Sanjay; Naik, Sonali; Ambekar, Jalindar; Sonawane, Ravindra; Kulkarni, Milind V. ; Vinu, Ajayan; Kale, Bharat* Environmental Science & Technology (2013) 47, 6664–6672
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2013Effect of temperature of synthesis on x-ray, infrared spectroscopic study and magnetic properties of magnesium zinc ferrites, S. Khot, N. S. Shinde, B. P. Ladgaonkar, B. B. Kale, S. C. Watawe, Key Engineering Materials, 547 (2013) 57
2013Broad band down conversion from ultra violet light to near infrared emission in YVO4:Bi3+, Yb3+as spectral conversion phosphor for c-Si solar cells, U. Rambabu and S. D. Han, Ceramic International, 39 (2013) 1603
2013Synthesis of hollow spheres of copper sulfide by electron irradiation. SS Dhasade, S Patil, B B Kale, SH Han, MC Rath, VJ Fulari. Materials Letters, (2013) 93, 316-318
2013Difficulties in the study of cosmic radio noise absorption at 30 MHz using riometer at low latitude station, Kolhapur (Lat-16.8˚ N, Long-74.25˚ E); Advances in space research, 53, Issue 2, 237–242, 2014.
S. S. Nikte, A. K. Sharma, D. P. Nade, M. V. Rokade, R. N. Ghodpage, P. T. Patil, and R. V. Bhonsle2013Effect of synthesis route and optimization of photocatalytic conditions on CuO nanostructures, R. S. Kumar, N. S. Rajurkar, I. S. Mulla, U. P. Mulik, D. P. Amalnerkar and P. V. Adhyapak, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing, 2, (2012), 393
2013‘Preparation, Characterisation and Photocatalytic Activity of Nb 2 O 5 /TiO 2 Coupled Semiconductor Oxides’ SS Arbuj, RR Hawaldar, UP Mulik, DP Amalnerkar, J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf. 2013, 3, 79-83.
2013Investigation of micropipe and defects in molten KOH etching of 6H n-silicon carbide (SiC) single crystal; Sandeep Mahajan, M.V. Rokade, S.T. Ali, K. Srinivasa rao, N.R. Munirathnam, T.L. Prakash and D.P. Amalnerkar; Materials Letters, 101 (2013) 72-75.
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2013<p>Nanocrystalline silver vanadium sulfide (SVS) anchored polyaniline (PANI): new nanocomposite system for supercapacitor, R. S. Diggikar, J. D. Ambekar, M. V. Kulkarni and B.B. Kale, <strong>New Journal of Chemistry</strong>, 37 (2013) 3236</p>
2013Eco-friendly solar light driven hydrogen production from copious waste H2S and organic dye degradation by stable and efficient orthorhombic CdS quantum dots– GeO2 glass photocatalyst, S. K. Apte, S. N. Garaje, M. Valant and B. B. Kale, Green Chemistry, 14 (2012) 1455
2013Synthesis and characterization of Mn doped ZnO Nanoparticles, V.D. Mote, S.S.Shah, B.N. Dole and Y. Purushotham, International Journal of Nanoscience, 12 (2013) 13500041
2013Environmentally benign enhanced H 2 production from abundant copious waste H 2 S using size tuneable cubic bismuth (Bi 0 ) quantum dots–GeO 2 glass photocatalyst under solar light, Sanjay K. Apte, Sunil N. Garaje, Sonali D. Naik, Rupali P. Waichal and Bharat B. Kale,* Green Chemistry(2013) 15, 3459-3467
2013High Q Ceramics in the ACe2(MoO4)4 (A= Ba, Sr and Ca) system for LTCC applications, Surjith. A and R. Ratheesh, J. Alloys & Compounds , 550 , 169-172 (2013)
2013In-situ fabrication of cobalt oxide / sulphide mixed phase nanoparticles in Polyphenylene Sulphide matrix, N. Rumale, S. Arbuj, G. Umarji, M. Shinde, U. Mulik, A. Pokle, S. Shinde, D. Amalnerkar, Carbon Science Technology,5(2013) 243
2013Controlled synthesis of aligned Bi2S3 nanowires, sharp apex nanowires and nanobelts with its morphology dependent field emission investigations, S.S. Warule, N.S. Chaudhari, B.B. Kale, S. Pandiraj, R.T. Khare, M.A. More, Crystal Engineering Communication 15 (2013) 890
2013Enhanced luminescence intensity and color purity of the red emitting LnVO4:Eu3+@ SiO2(Ln = Gd, Y andGd/Y) powder phosphors, U. Rambabu and S. D. Han, Materials Research Bulletin, 48 (2013) 512
2013Novel nanocrystalline zinc silver antimonate (ZnAg 3 SbO 4): an efficient & ecofriendly visible light photocatalyst with enhanced hydrogen generation, Sonali A Mahapure, Prakash K Palei, Latesh K Nikam, Rajendra P Panmand, Jalindar D Ambekar, Sanjay K Apte, Bharat B Kale,* Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (41), 12835-12840, 2013
2013Zonal Velocity of the Equatorial Plasma Bubble over Kolhapur, India; Annales Geophysicae, Volume 31, 2077-2084, 2013
D. P. Nade, A. K. Sharma, S. S. Nikte, P. T. Patil, R. N. Ghodpage, M. V. Rokade, S. Gurubaran, A. Taori, and Y. Sahai2013Synthesis of Ta2O5/TiO2 Coupled Semiconductor oxide Nanocomposites with High Photocatalytic activity, S.S. Arbuj, U.P. Mulik, D.P. Amalnerkar, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 5(2013), 968
2013Ferric oxide quantum dots in stable phosphate glass system an their magneto-optical study, S.N. Garaje, S.K. Apte, G. Kumar, R.P. Panmand, S.D. Naik, S.M. Mahajan, R. Chand, B.B. Kale, Materials Research Bulletin, 48(2013) 901
2013Synthesis of ZnS Nanowire Bundles and their Photocatalytic Activity for Dye Degradation, R.D. Bolade, S.D. Naik, S.K. Apte, J.D. Ambekar, S.S. Arbuj, M.V. Kulkarni, U.P. Mulik, B.B. Kale, Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, 4(2012) 1
2013Preparation, Characterization, and H 2 S Sensing Performance of Sprayed Nanostructured SnO2 Thin Films R. H. Bari, R. S. Khadayate, S. B. Patil, A. R. Bari, G. H. Jain, L. A. Patil, and B. B. Kale*, ISRN Nanotechnology Volume 2012, Article ID 734325,
2012An eco-friendly, highly stable and efficient nanostructured p-type N-doped ZnO photocatalyst for environmentally benign solar hydrogen production, Green Chemistry, AP Bhirud, SD Sathaye, RP Waichal, LK Nikam, B. B. Kale*, 2012, 14 (10), 2790-2798,2012
2012Purification of cadmium by selective volatization in vacuum in the presence of presence of oxide phase on its melt, N R Munirathnam, K Srinivasa Rao and T L Prakash , Bulletin of Materials Science, 35 (2012)163
2012Effect of Annealing Temperature on Optical Properties of Titanium Dioxide Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Method, MT Sarode, PN Shelke, SD Gunjal, YB Khollam, MG Takwale, SR Jadkar, BB Kale*, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series (2012) 6, 13-18,
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2012Architectured Bi 2 S 3 nanoflowers: photoenhanced field emission study Sambhaji S. Warule, Ranjit V. Kashid, Deodatta R. Shinde, Nilima S. Chaudhari, Bharat B. Kale*, and Mahendra A. More, Journal of Nanoparticle Research (2012) 14, 6889.
2012Purification of cadmium by selective volatization in vacuum in the presence of presence of oxide phase on its melt, N R Munirathnam, K Srinivasa Rao and T L Prakash , Bulletin of Materials Science, Issue 2, Vol-35 (2012).
2012Synthesis and humidity sensing properties of ZnSnO 3 cubic crystallites, D Bauskar, B.B Kale*, P
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2012Synthesis and fluorescence properties of (Y, Ga)PO4: Sm3+powder phosphors, U. Rambabu, S. Sailaja, B. S. Reddy, S. D. Han, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 6 (2012) 9
2012Formation of multifunctional nanocomposites with ultrathin layers of polyaniline (PANI) on silver vanadium oxide (SVO) nanospheres by in situ polymerization, RS Diggikar, MV Kulkarni, GM Kale, BB Kale, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2012) 1, 3992-4001
2012“Morphology controlled synthesis of LiV 2 O 5 /Ag nanocomposite nanotubes with enhanced electrochemical performance” Rahul S Diggikar, Vishal M Dhavale, Dhanraj B Shinde, Nihal S Kanbargi, Milind V Kulkarni, Bharat B Kale*, RSC Advance, (2012) 2 3231-3233
2012Preparation of high pure Zinc for electronic application using selective evaporation under Vacuum, ST Ali, K Srinivasa Rao, C Laxman, N R Munirathnam and T L Prakash , Separation and Purification Technology 85 (2012) 78-82.
2012Preparation, Characterization, and H2S Sensing Performance of Sprayed Nanostructured SnO2 Thin Films, RH Bari, RS Khadayate, SB Patil, AR Bari, GH Jain, LA Patil, BB Kale ISRN Nanotechnology, (2012), 5
2012Preparation of high pure Zinc for electronic application using selective evaporation under Vacuum, S.T. Ali, K. Srinivasa Rao, C. Laxman, N. R. Munirathnam and T. L. Prakash , Separation and Purification Technology 85 (2012) 78
2012Processing and formulation of inkjet printable conducting polyaniline based ink for low cost, flexible humidity sensors using untreated polymeric substrate. Milind V Kulkarni, Sanjay K Apte, Sonali D Naik, Jalindar D Ambekar and Bharat B Kale, Smart Mater. Structure. 2012, 21 035023.
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2012Emission properties of RE3+ (RE = Eu, Tb): CdO-Li2O-B2O3-TeO2 Glasses, K. Vemasevana Raju, C. Nageswarara Raju, S. Sailaja, U. Rambabu and B. Sudhakar Reddy, Ferroelectrics Letters, 39 (2012) 117
2012Synthesis of ZnS Nanowire Bundles and their Photocatalytic Activity for Dye Degradation, Rohini D. Bolade, Sonali D. Naik, Sanjay K. Apte, Jalindar D. Ambekar, Sudhir S. Arbuj, Milind V. Kulkarni, Uttam P. Mulik, and Bharat B. Kale*, Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. (2012) 4, 1-9
2012Nanowires of silver-polyaniline nanocomposite synthesized via in-situ polymerization and its novel functionality as an antibacterial agent, Mohaseen S Tamboli, Milind V Kulkarni, Rajendra H Patil, Wasudev N Gade, Shalaka C Navale, Bharat B Kale, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, (2012) 92, 35-41
2012Organization of cubic CeO 2 nanoparticles on the edges of self assembledtapered ZnO nanorods via a template free one-pot synthesis: significant cathodoluminescence and field emission properties SS Warule, NS Chaudhari, BB Kale*, KR Patil, PM Koinkar, MA More, R. Murakami Journal of Materials Chemistry (2012) 22, 8887-8895,
2012Effective light harvesting in CdS nanoparticle sensitized rutile TiO 2 microspheres S. S. Mali, R. S. Devan, Y. R. Ma, C. A. Betty, P. N. Bhosale, R. P. Panmand and B. B. Kale, Electrochimica Acta, (2012) 666-672
2012Nanomagnetics for High-performance Miniaturized Power and RF components, P. Markondeya Raj, Himani Sharma, Dibyajat Mishra, K.P. Murali, Kyuhwan Han, Madhavan Swaminathan and Rao Tummala, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, 6 (3), 18, (2012).
2012Influence of defect mobility on electrostrain in (Ba0.80Sr0.20)TiO3, K.Vani and V.Kumar, AIP Advances 2,042177(2012)
2012Palladium Chloride Catalyzed Photochemical Heck Reaction, SB Waghmode, SS Arbuj, BN Wani, CS Gopinath, Canadian Journal of Chemistry, Dec. 2012 (10.1139/cjc-2012- 0377).