Influence of Bi3+ as a sensitizer and SiO2 shell coating as a protecting layer towards the enhancement of red emission in LnVO4: Bi3+, Eu3+ @ SiO2 (Ln = Gd, Y and Gd/Y) powder phosphors for optical display devices; U. Rambabu, N. R. Munirathnam, S. Chatterjee, B. Sudhakar Reddy, Sang-Do Han; Ceramics International 39 (2013) 4801–4811
2013Preparation, Characterization, Photocatalytic Activity and Conductivity Studies of YLnTi2O7 (Ln = Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd), V Rama Devi, G Ravi, Radha Velchuri, N R Munirathnam, G Prasad, M Vithal, Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 72 (2013) 241
2013Silver-decorated orthorhombic nanotubes of lithium vanadium oxide: an impeder of bacterial growth and biofilm, Rahul S. Diggikar, Rajendra H. Patil, Sheetal B. Kale, Deepali K. Thombre, Wasudeo N. Gade. Milind V. Kulkarni, Bharat B. Kale*, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, (2013) 97, 8283-8290,
2013New Vanadium based Ba3MV4O15 ( M=Ti, Zr) high Q ceramics for LTCC applications, E.K. Suresh, A.N. Unnimaya, A. Surjith and R.Ratheesh, Ceram. Inter. , 39(4), 3635-3639 (2013)
2013Novel and stable Mn2+@Bi2S3 quantum dots–glass system with giant magneto optical Faraday rotations, R. P. Panmand, G. Kumar, S. M. Mahajan, M. V. Kulkarni, B. B. Kale and S..W. Gosavi, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 1(2013),1203
2013Synthesis and spectroscopic characterisation of silver-polyaniline nanocomposite, M. S. Tamboli, M. V. Kulkarni, S. P. Deshmukh, B. B. Kale, Materials Research Innovations, 17 (2013) 112
2013Studies of conducting polyaniline (PANI) wrapped-multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) nanocomposite and its application for optical pH sensing, MV Kulkarni, BB Kale, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2013) 187, 407-412.
2013Preparation, Characterisation and Photocatalytic activity of Nb 2O 5 /TiO 2 Coupled Semiconductor oxides, S.S. Arbuj, R.R. Hawaldar, U.P. Mulik, D.P .Amalnerkar, J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf. 3(2013) 79
2013Morphology controlled synthesis of LiV2O5/Ag nanocomposite nanotubes with enhanced electrochemical performance, Rahul S Diggikar, Vishal M Dhavale, Dhanraj B Shinde, Nihal S Kanbargi, Milind V Kulkarni, Bharat B Kale, RSC Advances, 2(2012) 3231
2013Single Step Solid-Solid Reaction Scheme for the synthesis of Cobalt Sulphide-Oxide Nanoparticles in Polymer Matrix, N Rumale, S Arbuj, G Umarji, M Shinde, U Mulik, A Pokle, D Amalnerkar. Advances in Nanoparticles, 2013, 2, 28-31.
2013Novel Ag@ Zn2TiO4 Nanocomposite and Its Enhanced Antibacterial activity, L. Nikam, R. Patil, R. Panmand, S. Kadam, K. Sivanandan, B. Kale, Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine 5(2013) 688
2013Nanostructured N-doped TiO2 marigold flowers for an efficient solar hydrogen production from H2S, N. S. Chaudhari, S. S. Warule, S. A. Dhanmane, M. V. Kulkarni, M. Valant and B. Kale, Nanoscale, 5 (2013) 9383
2013Effective light harvesting in CdS nanoparticle sensitized rutile TiO2 microspheres S. S. Mali, R. S. Devan, Y. R. Ma, C. A. Betty, P. N. Bhosale, R. P. Panmand and B. B. Kale, Electrochimica Acta, 90 (2012) 666
2013Preparation, optical, and photocatalytic studies of defect pyrochlores: KCr0.33W1.67O6 and A x Cr0.33W1.67O6•nH2O, G. Ravi, Naveen Kumar Veldurthi, Muvva D. Prasad, N R Munirathnam, G. Prasad, M. Vithal, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15(2013),1939
2013Nanocrystalline silver vanadium sulfide (SVS) anchored polyaniline (PANI): new nanocomposite system for supercapacitor, Rahul S. Diggikar, Jalindar D. Ambekar, Milind V. Kulkarni and Bharat B.Kale*, New J. Chem., (2013) 37, 3236-3243
2013Comprehensive review on materials,processing and formulation attributes of photopatterenable conductor thick film pastes, Govind Umarji, Supriya Ketkar, Suresh Gosavi, Uttamrao Mulik and Dinesh Amalnerkar, i-managers journal of Material Science, 25 (2013)1
2013Quantum confinement of Bi2S3 in glass with magnetic behavior, R. P. Panmand, M. V. Kulkarni, M. Valant, S. W. Gosavi and B. B. Kale, AIP Advances, 3 (2013) 022123
2013Controlled synthesis of aligned Bi 2 S 3 nanowires, sharp apex nanowires and nanobelts with its morphology dependent field emission investigations, SS Warule, NS Chaudhari, BB Kale,* S Pandiraj, RT Khare, MA More, CrystEngComm (2013) 15, 890-896,
2013Shantanu Das and N C Pramanik, “Micro-structural roughness of electrodes manifesting as temporal fractional order differential equation in supercapacitor transfer characteristics”,Intl. J. Mathematics & Computation, 20 (2013) pp. 94-113
2013Occurrence of Plasma Bubbles Over Kolhapur; Advances In Space Research;, 2013
A. K. Sharma, D. P. Nade, S. S. Nikte, R. N. Ghodpage, P. T. Patil and M. V. Rokade, R. S. Vhatkar and S. Gurubaran2013Heterogenous photocatalysis: novel approach for carbon-carbon bond forming reaction ,S. S. Arbuj, B.N.Wani and U.P. Mulik , SMC Bulletin, 4 (2013)40
2013Processing and formulation of inkjet printable conducting polyaniline based ink for low cost, flexible humidity sensors using untreated polymeric substrate, M. V. Kulkarni, S. K. Apte, S. D. Naik, J. D. Ambekar and B. B. Kale, Smart Mater. Structure. 21(2012) 035023
2013In-situ fabrication of cobalt oxide / sulphide mixed phase nanoparticles in Polyphenylene Sulphide matrix, N Rumale, S Arbuj, G Umarji, M Shinde, U Mulik, A Pokle, S Shinde, D Amalnerkar, Carbon- Sci.Tech.,2013, 5/2, 243-250.
2013Simplistic approach for in-situ generation of ZnS quantum dots in polyphenylene sulphide matrix via chalcogen enriched solid-solid reaction technique, Narendra Rumale, Sudhir Arbuj, Govind Umarji, Manish Shinde, Uttam Mulik, Anuj Pokle and Dinesh Amalnerkar ,Phys. Status Solidi A 210(2013) 345
2013Evaluation of anti-quorum sensing activity of silver nanowires, M. S. Wagh, R. H. Patil, D. K. Thombre, M. V. Kulkarni, W. N. Gade and B. B. Kale, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97 (2012) 3593
2013Effects of host composition, Al3+ as a sensitizer and SiO2 surface coating on luminescence intensity, color purity of MVO4: Al3+, Eu3+ @ SiO2 (M = Gd, Y and Gd/Y) red phosphors, U. Rambabu, N. R. Munirathnam, D.P. Amalnerkar, T. L. Prakash, B. Sudhakar Reddy, S. Chatterjee, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 142(2013) ,459
2013Nanostructured N-doped TiO2 Marigold Flowers for an Efficient Solar Hydrogen Production from H2S. Neelima Chaudhari, Sambhaji Warule, Milind V. Kulkarni, Matjaz Valant and Bharat B. Kale*, Nanoscale (2013) 5, 9383-9390
2013Ink-Jet Printed Conducting Polyaniline based Flexible Humidity Sensor, M. V. Kulkarni, S. K. Apte, S. D. Naik, J. D. Ambekar and B. B. Kale, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , (2013) 178 140-143
2013Novel Ag@ Zn 2 TiO 4 Nanocomposite and Its Enhanced Antibacterial Activity L Nikam, R Patil, R Panmand, S Kadam, K Sivanandan, B Kale,* Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine (2013) 5, 688-692.
2013K. S. Rejitha, P. A. Abraham, N. Rani Panicker, K. Stanly Jacob and N. C. Pramanik*, “Role of catalyst on formation of resorcinol-furfural based carbon aerogels and its physical properties” – Advances in Nanoparticles, 2 (2013) pp. 99-103 (doi:10.4236/anp.2013.22017)
2013Influence of Triethanolamine on Physico-chemical Properties of Cadmium Sulphide, SS Arbuj, SR Bhalerao, SB Rane, NY Hebalkar, UP Mulik, DP Amalnerkar, Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Lett., 2013, 5, 1245-1250.
2013Synthesis and Electrical characterization of Ag, Au-PVP nanocomposites for Humidity sensing, P.B.Kanitkar, P. V. Adhyapak, U. P. Mulik , D. P. Amalnerkar and R. C. Aiyer, Sensor Letters, 10 (2012), 932
2013Thermoplastic polymer domain for synthesis of manganeses sulphide nanoparticles by simple solid-solid reaction, N Rumale, S Arbuj, G Umarji, M Shinde, U Mulik, A Pokle, R Hawaldar, D Amalnerkar, Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Lett. 2013, 5, 902-905.
2013Structural, W-H analysis and magnetic studies of Mn substituted ZnO Nanocrystals, V.D. Mote, V.R.Huse, Y. Purushotham and B.N. Dole, International Journal of Chemistry, 2 (2013) 330-338
2013Template-free synthesis of nanostructured Cdx Zn1–x S with tunable band structure for H2 production and organic dye degradation using solar light, S. N. Garaje, S. K. Apte, S. D. Naik, J. D. Ambekar, R. S. Sonawane, M. V. Kulkarni, A. Vinu and B. B. Kale, Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (2013) 6664
2013Synthesis and humidity sensing properties of ZnSnO3 cubic crystallites, D. Bauskar, B. B. Kale and P. Patil, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 161 (1), (2012) 396
2013Characterization, conductivity and photocatalytic studies of AHfM(PO4)3 (A = Na and Ag; M = Ti and Zr) powders synthesized by sol-gel method; Suresh Palla, G. Ravi, J. R. Reddy, Naveen Kumar Veldurthi, Radha Velchuri, G. Prasad, N. R. Munirathnam and M. Vithal, Journal of Sol Gel Scince and Technology ,67 (2013) 507
2013Development of polyaniline - Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (PANI-MWCNT) Nanocomposite for Optical pH Sensor, Milind V. Kulkarni*, Nitin Charhate , Kalpesh Bhavsar, Minal Tathe, Bharat B. Kale, Materials Research Innovations (2013) 17, 238-243.
2013Low temperature synthesis of needle-like α-FeOOH and their conversion into α-Fe2O3 nanorods for humidity sensing application, Parag V. Adhyapak, Uttam P. Mulik, Dinesh P. Amalnerkar and Imtiaz S. Mulla, Journal of American Ceramic Society 96(2013)731
2013Formation of multifunctional nanocomposites with ultrathin layers of polyaniline (PANI) on silver vanadium oxide (SVO) nanospheres by in situ polymerization, R. S. Diggikar, M. V. Kulkarni, G. M. Kale and B. B. Kale, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1 (2013) 3992
2013Single step hydrothermal approach for devising hierarchical Ag–ZnO heterostructures with significant enhancement in field emission performance, SS Warule, NS Chaudhari, RT Khare, JD Ambekar, BB Kale,* MA More, CrystEngComm (2013) 15, 7475-7483,
2013Graphene/poly(styrene-b-isoprene-b-styrene) nanocomposite optical actuators”. Seema Ansari, Muralidharan Malamal Neelanchery and Deepthi Ushus, Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2013) , 130 (6), 2013, 3902-3908
2013Infrared properties 'lead free' thick film NTC thermo-resistive sensor based on the mixture of spinal material and RuO2, S. Jagtap, S. Rane, S. Gosavi, U. Mulik and D. Amalnerkar, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 197(2013),166
2013Silver-decorated orthorhombic nanotubes of lithium vanadium oxide: an impeder of bacterial growth and biofilm, R. S. Diggikar, R. H. Patil, S. B. Kale, D. K. Thombre, W. N. Gade, M. V. Kulkarni and B. B. Kale, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97 (2013) 8283
2013Processing and formulation of inkjet printable conducting polyaniline based ink for low cost, flexible humidity sensors using untreated polymeric substrate, M. V. Kulkarni, S. K. Apte, S. D. Naik, J. D. Ambekar and B. B. Kale, Smart Mater. Structure. 21(2012) 035023.
2013Non linear optical absorption in lithium doped ZnO thin films, T. Anto Johny, Viswanathan Kumar, P Sudheesh and K Chandrasekharan, Opt. Commun.,309, 279-281 (2013)
2013Synthesis of SnO 2 Nano Rods and their Photocatalytic Properties, JM Mali, SS Arbuj, JD Ambekar, SB Rane, UP Mulik, DP Amalnerkar, J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf. 2013, 3, 121 -125.
2013Structural, morphological and optical properties of Mn doped ZnS nano-crystals, V.D. Mote, Y. Purushotham and B.N. Dole, Cerâmica, 59 (2013) 395-400
2013Preparation, characterization, and H2S sensing performance of sprayed nanostructured SnO2 thin films, R. H. Bari, R. S. Khadayate, S. B. Patil, A. R. Bari, G. H. Jain, L. A. Patil and B.B. Kale, ISRN Nanotechnology, 2012 (2012) 734325
2013Structural, W-H analysis and magnetic studies of Mn substituted ZnO Nanocrystals, V.D. Mote, V.R.Huse, Y. Purushotham and B.N. Dole, International Journal of Chemistry, 2 (2013) 330