"Structure-Magnetic Property Correlations in Nickel-Polymer Nanocomposites" K. P. Murali; Himani Sharma; P. Markondeya Raj; Dibyajat Mishra; Manik Goyal; Kathleen Silver; Erik Shipton; Rao Tummala, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics January 2016, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp 154-162.
2016Ferrocenyl dithiocarbamate based d10 transition-metal complexes as potential co-sensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells,R. Yadav, M. Trivedi, G. Kociok-Köhn, R.Chauhan, A. Kumar, S. W. Gosavi, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016 (2016) 1013
2016Degradation of organic pollutants by Ag, Cu and Sn doped waste non-metallic printed circuit boards; Kadari Ramaswamy, Velchuri Radha, M. Malathi, Muga Vithal, Nagegownivari R. Munirathnam; Waste Management, http//dx.doi.org/10/1016/j/wasman.2016.09.026
2016Stability studies of PbS sensitised TiO2 nanotube arrays for visible light photocatalytic applications by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) Materials science in semiconductor Processing N.B.Rahna, Vijila Kalarivalappil, Manoj Nageri, Suresh.C.Pillai, Steven. J. Hinder. V.Kumar, Baiju.K.Vijayan, Volume 42, Part 3, February 2016, Pages 303-310
2016Synthesis of ultra-small platinum nanoparticles in a continuous flow microreactor, P.L. Suryawanshi, S. P. Gumfekar, P. R. Kumar, B. B. Kale, S. H. Sonawane, Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 13 (2016) 6
2016Cu doped ZnO microballs as effective sunlight driven photocatalyst S.P. Meshram, P. V. Adhyapak, D.P. Amalnerkar, I.S. Mulla, Ceramics International, 42 (2016) 7482
2016Nanostructured layered Sn3O4 for hydrogen production and dye degradation under sunlight; S. D. Balgude, Y. A. Sethi, B. B. Kale, N. R. Munirathnam, D. P. Amalnerkar and P. V. Adhyapak; RSC Adv., September 2016,6, 95663-95669; DOI: 10.1039/C6RA20058C.
2016Pd loaded TiO2 nanotubes for the effective catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol, Divya C.M.; Vijila Kalarivalappil; Wilfried Wunderlich; Suresh Pillai; Steven Hinder; Viswanathan Kumar, K.V.Baiju , Cat.Lett. 146,474-82(2016)
2016Coupled semiconductor nanosystems for enhanced photocatalyic applications, Sudhir S. Arbuj, Sunit B. Rane, Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Nanotechnology for Better Living, 2016 Editors K. K. Kar, A. Shah and R. Sharma, NBL-2016, 3 (2016) 198.
2016Preparation of nano aluminium powder (NAP) using a thermal plasma: Process development and characterization, A. Pant, T. Seth, V. B. Raut, V. P. Gajbhiye, S. P. Newale, A. K. Nandi, H. Prasanth, R. K. Pandey, Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 13 (2016) 53.
2016A promising RVO4:Eu3+,Li+@SiO2 (R = Gd, Y and Gd/Y) red-emitting phosphor with improved luminescence (cd/m2) and colour purity for optical display applications; Urlagaddala Rambabu, Nagegownivari Ramachandra Munirathnam, Busireddy Sudhakar Reddy and Sandip Chatterjee; Luminescence, Volume 31, Issue 1, pages 141–151, February 2016.
2016Nanostructured layered Sn3O4 for hydrogen production and dye degradation under sunlight, S. D. Balgude, Y. A. Sethi, B. B. Kale, N. R. Munirathnam, D. P. Amalnerkar, P. V. Adhyapak, RSC Advances, 6 (2016) 95663
2016Titania Nanotube Arrays surface- modified with ZnO for enhanced photocatalytic applications, N.Manoj, K.V.Vijila, K.V.Baiju and V.Kumar, Mat.Res.Bull.77,35-40(2016)
2016Effect of annealing temperature on a single step processed Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film via solution method, P Prabeesh, I Packia Selvam,S N Potty, Thin Solid Films, 606, (2016),94–98.
2016Electrical and Dielectric properties of non-magnetic Al3+ substituted Ni-Zn Nano ferrites for high frequency applications, B.Rajesh Babu, M.S.R. Prasad, K.V.Ramesh, Y.Purushotham, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 26 (2016) 589-597
2016Elemental Profile and Hb Content in Whole Blood of Adolescents from Baramati Region, Pune, Maharashtra, R. S. Kumar, N. S. Rajurkar and P. V. Adhyapak, Journal of Applicable Chemistry, 5 (2016) 886
2016Synthesis and Microwave Dielectric Properties of A16V18O61(A=Ba,Sr and Ca ) Ceramics for LTCC Applications , E.K.Suresh , K.Prasad ,N.S. Arun and R.Ratheesh ,J.Elec .Mat.,45(6),2996-3002(2016)
2016Influence of lithium doping on the correlated ferromagnetic ordering and red shift of band gap in weakly Mn.-doped ZnO nanoparticles, M.K. Satheesan and Viswanathan Kumar, J.Mater.Sci:Mater.Electron. DOI:10.1007/s10854-016-4595-1
2016Nano-Scale Mo-MoO3 entrapped in engineering thermoplastic: Inorganic pathway to bactericidal and fungicidal action, Nilam Qureshi, Ravindra D. Chaudhari, Pramod C. Mane, Manish Shinde, Sandesh Jadakar, Sunit Rane, Bharat Kale, Anand Bhalerao, Dinesh Amalnerkar, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 15,3 (2016) 258
2016Confinement of Ag3PO4 nanoparticles supported by surface plasmon resonance of Ag in glass: efficient nanoscale photocatalyst for solar H2 production from waste H2S, S. S. Patil, D. R. Patil, S. K. Apte, M. V. Kulkarni, J. D. Ambekar, C. J. Park, S. W. Gosavi, S. S. Kolekar, B. B. Kale, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016 (190) 75
2016Ferrocenyl chalcones with phenolic and pyridyl anchors as potential sensitizers in dye sensitized solar cells, R. Chauhan, R. Yadav, A. K. Singh, M. Trivedi, G. Kociok-Köhn, A. Kumar, S. Gosavi, and S. Rane, RSC Advances, 6, (2016) 97664
2016Preparation,characterization and dielectric properties of PP/CaTiO3 composites for Microwave substrates applications, Drishya,E.K.Suresh,A.N.Unnimaya,R.Naveen Raj and R.Ratheesh International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 1-6(2016) DOI:10.1111/ijac.12554
2016Quantitative estimation of brominated compounds for restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS) present in computer key board switches (CKBS) using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Ramaswamy Kadari; Govindaiah Rabba, Swarnabala Ganti, Mahender Bhukya, Rambabu Urlagaddala,Ravi Prakasa Reddy Manda, Nagegownivari Ramachandra Munirathnam, J. Analytical Chemistry, Jan 2016, Vol 71, Issue 1, PP 133-139.
2016- Influence of Fe3+ substitution on the dielectric and ferroelectric characteristics of Lead Indium Niobate, A.S. Divya and V.Kumar, J. Alloys Compounds, 637,426-430(2015).
2016Optically triggered actuation in Chitosan/Reduced Graphene Oxide nanocomposites, M.N. Muralidharan, K.P. Shinu, A. Seema, Carbohydrate Polymers, 144 (2016) 115-121
2016Sub-micron/nano-scale polymorphs of molybdenum oxide with tuned structural and morphological features embedded in engineering thermoplastic, N. Qureshi, M. Shinde, S. Jadkar, A. Bhalerao, B. Kale, D. P. Amalnerkar, Materials Focus, 5 (2016) 17
2016Superior dielectric performance of engineering thermoplastic as a result of In Situ embedding of nanoscale mixed phase Molybdenum Oxide, Nilam Qureshi, Manish Shinde, R.Ratheesh, Anand Bhalerao, Bharat Kale, D.P. Amalnerkar, Electronic Materials doi 10.1007/s 11664-015-3686-8 (2015)
2015- Transverse piezoelectric properties of {100}- oriented PLZT[x/65/35] thin films, S. Laxmipriya, V. Kumar* , Fumiya Kurokawa , Isaku Kanno, Mat. Chem. and Phys.151,308(2015)
2015A special issue on functional nanomaterials for environmental remediation, S. S. Arbuj, B. B. Kale, and D. P. Amalnerkar, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing, 5 (2015) 167.
2015Preparation and magneto-optical properties of stable bismuth phosphate nanoparticles in phosphate glass, Jalindar D Ambekar, Rajendra P Panmand, Ravindra S Sonawane, Sanjay K Apte, Dilip G Hundiwale, Bharat B Kale, RSC Advance, 2015, 5, 48112-48117.
2015In-situ Preparation of Novel Organo-Inorganic (6, 13- Pentacenequinone: TiO 2 ) coupled Semiconductor Nanosystem: A new Visible Light active Photocatalyst for Hydrogen Generation, VU Pandit, SS Arbuj, RR Hawaldar, PV Kshirsagar, UP Mulik, SW Gosavi, CJ Park, BB Kale, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 4338-4344.
2015A stable Bi2S3 quantum dot–glass nanosystem: size tuneable photocatalytic hydrogen production under solar light, S. R. Kadam, R. P. Panmand, R. S. Sonawane, S. W. Gosavi, B. B. Kale, RSC Advances, 5 (2015) 58485.
2015Decoration of CdS nanoparticles on 3D self-assembled ZnO nanorods: a single-step process with enhanced field emission behavior, SS Warule, NS Chaudhari, RT Shisode, KV Desa, B B Kale, MA More, Crystal Engineering Communication 17 (2015) 140
2015Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activity of tungsten oxide nanostructures, K.A. Nevase, S. S. Arbuj, V. U. Pandit, J. D. Ambekar, S. B. Rane, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing, 5 (2015) 221.
2015Effect of Temperature on optical and photovoltaic properties of nc-TiO2 thin films for dye sensitized solar cell, M. T. Sarode, Y. B. Khollam, S.R. Jadkar, B.B. Kale, K. C. Mohite, Advanced Materials Research, 1110 (2015) 207.
2015Effect of zinc: cobalt composition in ZnCo 2 O 4 spinels for highly selective liquefied petroleum gas sensing at low and high temperatures, Kalpana B Gawande, Sandeep B Gawande, Sanjay R Thakare, Vivek R Mate, Sunil R Kadam, Bharat B Kale, Milind V Kulkarni, 2015, 5, 40429-40436.
2015Synthesis of Nanostructured NaTaO 3 and NaNbO 3 and Their Photocatalytic Performance: A Comparative Study, SP Deshpande, SS Arbuj, DK Jogewar, UP Mulik J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf., 2015, 5, 64-69.
2015Preparation and magneto-optical properties of stable bismuth phosphate nanoparticles in phosphate glass, J. D. Ambekar, R. P. Panmand, R. S. Sonawane, S. K. Apte, D. G. Hundiwale, B. B. Kale, RSC Advances, 5 (2015) 48112.
2015Observations in quiet day pattern of cosmic radio noise using riometers;
Canadian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 03(08), 213-223, August 2015;
S. S. Nikte, D. P. Nade, A. K. Sharma, G. A. Chavan, O. B. Gurav, M. V. Rokade, M. P. Yadav, P. T. Patil and R. N. Ghodpage2015Synthesis of nanostructured TiO2 Photocatalyst for H2 Generation, S. S. Arbuj, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing, 5 (2015) 232.
2015Synthesis of Nanostructured TiO 2 Photocatalyst for H 2 Generation, Sudhir S. Arbuj J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf. 2015, 5, 232-238.
2015In situ preparation of N–ZnO/graphene nanocomposites: excellent candidate as a photocatalyst for enhanced solar hydrogen generation and high performance supercapacitor electrode, A. Bhirud, S. Sathaye, R. Waichal, C.J. Park, B. Kale, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 17050.
2015Decoration of CdS nanoparticles on 3D self-assembled ZnO nanorods: a single-step process with enhanced field emission behavior, SS Warule, NS Chaudhari, RT Shisode, KV Desa, B B Kale*, MA More, CrystEngComm 17 (1), 140-148, 2015.
2015Solvothermal Synthesis of Photoluminescent ZnO Nanostructures and Its Photocatalytic Application Study, KR Chandrasekhar , JD Ambekar , SB Rane, SS Arbuj, J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf., 2015, 5, 77-81.
2015Nanostructured 2D MoS2honeycomb and hierarchical 3D marigold nanoflower of CdMoS4 for hydrogen production under solar light, Sunil R. Kadam, Dattatray J. Late, Rajendra P. Panmand, Milind V. Kulkarni, Latesh K. Nikam, Suresh W. Gosavi, Chan J. Park, Bharat B. Kale, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 21233.
2015Synthesis of hierarchical ZnO nanostructure and it’s photocatalytic performance study, D. G. Kumbhar, V. U. Pandit, S. D. Deshmukh, J. D. Ambekar, S. S. Arbuj, S. B. Rane, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing, 5 (2015) 227.
2015G. S. Gayathri, K. T. Nithina, K. G. Vasanthakumari, K. M. Blesson, S. Susanth, T. Radhika and N. Raghu, “Defect free carbon tapes as thermal fugitives for multilayer ceramic application”, Advances in Applied Ceramics 114 2 (2015) 87-92.
2015Synthesis of Hierarchical ZnO Nanostructure and Its Photocatalytic Performance Study, D G Kumbhar, VU Pandit, SD Deshmukh, JD Ambekar, SS Arbuj, SB Rane J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf. 2015, 5, 227-231.
2015Hierarchical 3D ZnIn2S4/graphene nano-heterostructures: their in situ fabrication with dual functionality in solar hydrogen production and as anodes for lithium ion batteries S. B. Kale, R. S. Kalubarme, M. A. Mahadadalkar, H. S. Jadhav, A. P. Bhirud, J. D. Ambekar, C.J.Park . B.B. Kale, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 17 (2015) 31850.
2015Enhanced hydrogen production under a visible light source and dye degradation under natural sunlight using nanostructured doped zinc orthotitanates, Latesh Nikam, Rajendra Panmand, Sunil Kadam, Sonali Naik and Bharat Kale, New J. Chem., 2015,39, 3821-3834.
N C Pramanik, “Aerogel based nanocomposites for applications in power electronics” — National Conference on Micro- and Nano Composites (NCMNC 2013) 2013”, at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai (December 27-28, 2013)
2013K. Stanly Jacob, P A Abrham, N. Rani Panicker, and N C Pramanik*, “Preparation and nitrogen sorption characteristics of silica aerogel suitable for sensor applications”, —1st Int’l Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors (ISPTS-1)2012, held at Pune, Maharashtra, India (March 08-10, 2012)
2012J. James P. A. Abraham N. Ranipanicker, K. Stanly Jacob and N. C. Pramanik*, “Synthesis and pore size tuning of carbon aerogels for supercapacitor applications”—24th Kerala Science Congress (KSC-2012), held at Rubber Research Institute, Kottayam, Kerala, India (January 29-31, 2012)
2012M. S. Sruthy, M. Deepa, P. A. Abraham, N. Ranipanicker, K. Stanly Jacob and N. C. Pramanik*. “Preparation of carbon aerogels and it’s chemical activation for hydrogen gas storage applications”, — 24th Kerala Science Congress (KSC-2012), held at Rubber Research Institute, Kottayam, Kerala, India (January 29-31, 2012)
2012K. S. Rejitha, P. A. Abraham, N. Ranipanicker, K. Stanly Jacob and N. C. Pramanik*, “Role of catalysts on resorcinol-furfural gel formation and gas sorption properties of carbon aerogels” —National Conference on Advanced Materials Science: Macro to nano Scales (NCAMS 2012), held at Union Christian College, Aluva, Kerala, India (March 16-17, 2012)
2012M. S. Sruthy, M. Deepa, P. A. Abraham, N. Ranipanicker, K. Stanly Jacob and N. C. Pramanik*, “Surface area enhancement of carbon aerogel xerogel through chemical activation”, — National Conference on Advanced Materials Science: Macro to nano Scales (NCAMS 2012), held at Union Christian College, Aluva, Kerala, India (March 16-17, 2012)
2012Sol-gel deposition of nanocrystalline TiO 2 thin films useful for hydrogen gas sensing application, MT Sarode, SW Gosavi, YB Khollam, BB Kale*, SR Jadkar, KC Mohite, Physics and Technology of Sensors (ISPTS), 2012 1st International Symposium IEEE, 169-172, 2012.
2012M. Deepa, M. S. Sruthy, P. A. Abraham, N. Ranipanicker, K. Stanly Jacob and N. C. Pramanik*, “Enhanced hydrogen gas storage capacity of activated Pd-doped carbon aerogel xerogel through chemical activation”, —National Conference on Advanced Materials Science: Macro to nano Scales (NCAMS 2012), held at Union Christian College, Aluva, Kerala, India (March 16-17, 2012)
2012Extraction of Electrical Properties of Nanomagnetic Materials through Meander-Shaped Inductor and Inverted-F Antenna Structures, Kyuhwan Han, K.P. Murali, Himani Sharma, P. Markondeya Raj, Madhavan Swaminathan, Rao Tummala and Vijay Nair. Electronic Components and Technology Conference ECTC 2012, IEEE 62nd, May 29 - June2, San Diego, USA
2012“Co-doped carbon aerogels: Synthesis, characterization and study of their gas sorption properties” — M. S. Sruthy, Nidhin Soman, P A Abrham, N. Rani Panicker, K. Stanly Jacob, and N C Pramanik*,
—National Conference on Nanostructured materials and Nanocomposites (NCNM 2010), held at NSS College, Ottapalam, Kerala, India (March 17-18, 2011)
2011“Preparation of carbon aerogels and studies on the role of catalyst concentration in tuning the electrical properties of aerogel supercapacitors” — R. Rakhikrishna, P. Hareesh, P A Abrham, N. Rani Panicker, K. Stanly Jacob, and N C Pramanik*,
— National Conference on Nanostructured materials and Nanocomposites (NCNM 2010), NSS College, held at Ottapalam, Kerala, India (March 17-18, 2011): Received Best Paper Award
2011“Carbon aerogels and its electronic application” - N. C. Pramanik*,
-— Int’l Conference on Advancement of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICOANN 2010), held at Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India during March 1-3, 2010.
2010“New method of synthesizing crystalline BST nanoparticles and study of their dielectric properties” —N. C. Pramanik*, P. A. Abraham, and N. Rani Panicker,
—Int’l Workshop & Symposium Synthesis of Glass/Glass Ceramics (IWSSCGGC 2010), held at Pune, Maharasthra , India during July 7-10, 2010. Received Best Paper Award
2010“Synthesis and characterisation of Ni-doped carbon aerogels for energy storage applications” —N. C. Pramanik*, P. A. Abraham, N. Rani Panicker, N. Soman, and M S Sruthy
—Int’l Workshop & Symposium Synthesis of Glass/Glass Ceramics (IWSSCGGC 2010), held at Pune, Maharasthra , India during July 7-10, 2010
2010Bismuth Sulfide nanoparticle doped optical current sensors with enhanced Verdet constant, G Kumar, SM Mahajan, RP Panmand, BB Kale, SW Gosavi, Emerging Trends in Electronic and Photonic Devices & Systems, 2009.
2009Structural, Dielectric and Piezoelectric properties of BZT Ceramic –
Sandeep Mahajan, O.P. Thakur, D.K. Bhattacharya, K. Sreenivas;
National Conference on Electron Microscopy & Allied Fields and XXIX Annual Meeting of EMSI, Delhi University from 26- 28th November-2007.2007Synthesis and characterization of high purity Hafnium metal powder – Indian perspective, Y.Purushotham, R.Govindaiah, T.Balaji, S.Rajesh Kumar, Arbind Kumar, M.K.Sharma, M.R.P.Reddy and T.L.Prakash, International Conference on Powder Metallurgy PM07, February 9-11, 2007, Noida, India
2007A comparative study of Ba0.95Ca0.05Zr0.25Ti0.75O3relaxor ceramics prepared by conventional and microwave sintering techniques –
Sandeep Mahajan, O.P. Thakur, .K. Bhattacharya, K. Sreenivas;
International Conference on Advanced Materials andApplication (ICAMA-2007), Kolhapur from 15-17th November 20072007Comparison of Structural and Piezoelectric properties of PNN-PZT System Processed by Conventional and Mechanochemical Technique -
Sandeep Mahajan, O.P. Thakur and Chandra Prakash;
National Seminar on Multifunctional Nanomaterials, Nanostructures and Application MNNA, University of Delhi from 22-23rd December 2006.2006